Prototyping & Experimental

We’ll make sure that you meet your critical deadlines and get the results that you want. ProtoSpace Design Services are here to help you along the way. We want to ensure that you get exactly what you need, the way you want it and when you need it.

ProtoSpace is your #1 supplier for quick turnaround parts and enclosures to perfectly suit your prototyping and experimental needs. Our timelines are the fastest in the industry at 2-3 days - and you can order just one single part if that's all you need. We never enforce a minimum-order requirement.

Our speed and quality will keep you innovating faster and more efficiently than ever before.


Ways to Work with Us

Quote Your Parts/Enclosures

If you have a design in hand, ProtoSpace will get you an accurate quotation as fast as possible.

Quote Your Parts

Design Services

For a reasonable hourly rate, a member of our Design Services team can design your custom part or enclosure for you.

Connect with Design Services

Protocase Designer

Protocase Designer is the fastest and easiest way to design, price and build custom electronic enclosures.

Download Protocase Designer

Let's Get Started

We believe the onboarding process should be as simple and hassle-free as possible.

Our team can process all of your paperwork to get the ball rolling in order to serve your custom manufacturing needs.