CNC Machined Parts

Meet your critical deadlines with ProtoSpace CNC Machining. Get fully finished precision-machined parts in as fast as 2-3 days, with no minimum order requirements. We can make everything from production tooling, jigs, mounts, test parts and more.

CNC Machining


The table below outlines the tolerance level associated with each level of precision.
X is the Tolerance, where conventional dimensioning and tolerancing would be displayed as Nominal Dimension ± X

Milling and TurningTolerance
Standard Precision
X ≥ ±0.005”(0.13mm)
Premium Precision
±0.005”(0.13mm) > X > ±0.001”(0.025mm)
Ultra Precision
±0.001”(0.025mm) ≥ X ≥ ±0.0001”(0.0025mm)

Nominal Dimension ± X

Standard ToleranceFeasible Tolerance
Surface Roughness

Let's Get Started

We believe the onboarding process should be as simple and hassle-free as possible.

Our team can process all of your paperwork to get the ball rolling in order to serve your custom manufacturing needs.